Rocket Klinghoffer

3-D is for the herd. Atlas Shrugged: Part 2 will be 4D and will have a scratch n' sniff card.

3-D is for the herd. Atlas Shrugged: Part 2 will be 4D and will have a scratch n' sniff card.

We got a Dippin Dots knock off machine in Milton Keynes and it must have been moved around at least twice.

We got a Dippin Dots knock off machine in Milton Keynes and it must have been moved around at least twice.

When I was in Cornwall last week there were independent ice cream people all over the place. At one place I had Millionaire Shortbread which I think had Nutella in it and   pink grapefruit with vodka.

When I was in Cornwall last week there were independent ice cream people all over the place. At one place I had Millionaire Shortbread which I think had Nutella in it and   pink grapefruit with vodka.

Here in the UK the word "Notifications" means something else.

Here in the UK the word "Notifications" means something else.

She is movies.

She is movies.

Why do you make fun of us all the time Sean O' Neal.

Why do you make fun of us all the time Sean O' Neal.

I was at an ABBA party for New Years 2000. The hosts since divorced.

I was at an ABBA party for New Years 2000. The hosts since divorced.

"I want you to stop drinking or I won't be remaking The Thing anytime soon."

"I want you to stop drinking or I won't be remaking The Thing anytime soon."

When did this movie get it's "ed"?

When did this movie get it's "ed"?

But she was Caprica.

But she was Caprica.