Vonnegut- God Mode

The new TV Reviews sections has safeguards against that from happening.

Yeah, but he lost me when he started talking about the plane crash that was placed at Walter White's feat.

Well, get ready to fuckin deal with it like the rest of us.

The show's called "Under the Dome". I know the show is bad, but it at least deserves the courtesy of being called by its correct title when it is being insulted.

"The attack dog suit didn't help at all!"

Noah's comment reminded me just how many crazy, last-second plays there have been in sports this year. Between the Blackhawk's two goals in 17 seconds, Ray Allen's 3, Robben's goal in the 89th minutes of champions league final and Flacco's hail-mary touchdown, I think I've lost five years of my life due to

I looking for a place in the Denver area. If you post this ad on a more reputable site for advertisements, I may look into it.

Salads are meant to be eaten without dressing. If you eat a salad with dressing, you are not eating a salad; you are eating cream with some greens thrown in.

I think it was Without A Trace, but it could have been any one of the countless gritty crime dramas.

I actually think there is an episode of Without A Trace where people set off model rockets….. into a serial killer's face.

mmmmm……  shrimp and paninis.

The A.V. Club

You don't get a watermark? That's kind of sad.

Are they planning on releasing an unrated version of this on DVD? I thought I heard that somewhere, but I can't find confirmation of it on the Internet.

Or you can just try her recipes.

This episode strongly reminds me of Homer's Enemy. After watching Kim realize how much better Lindsay's family was than hers, it's tough not to feel some sort of empathy for Frank Grimes. After going over to the Simpson's house and realizing how much better off his lazy coworker was than him, Grimes came to terms with

1. Stop showing it four times a week, or however often it is on. No show should ever have to be watched multiple times a week for you to keep up with it. 
2. Get rid of the Peacock logo when the show is on. Flaunting the NBC brand during programs breeds cynicism among viewers. 
3. This show is discriminatory to

RoboCop: Detroit's favorite Dallas cop from the future.

The nerd community lapped it up to a $36 million domestic gross.

On here, or in the world?