
It wouldn't be too hard to just subtract the voice audio from what the mic picks up.

Catan is just the tip of the advanced boardgaming iceberg. There are plenty of games that are as good or better.

"They told me you were a good actor. You're not." -what Murray actually said to Jason Schwartzman during the shooting of Rushmore lol

7) I don't think anyone in this thread has asked for this yet so I will: Can we get some dancing?

Yeah, as a Texan if I came across a girl like that at a I'd probably get a bit hot and flustered, even though the accent was overdone.

It was only like 2 guys trolling with spoilers. One posted on the second page of this thread. Seems proud of it. Would be easy to ban them but then of course they could make smurf accounts.

Go eat a dick, bill_Rugar.

Episode writer
According to IMDB Frank Darabont wrote this episode….

Umm, about that rain…
Doesn't rain actually make it way more difficult to smell things? The guts weren't washing off that fast either. Do these zombies have super-smelling or something?

I thought the term "daemon" existed outside of the His Dark Materials books…

I meant foundational as it serves as a good primer for listening to modern dubstep. Not that it's the first electronic music out of London :P I used to be big on DnB but lately it just bores me to death.

Agreed, those are two killer albums. Foundational stuff.

I've seen Damnation (Karhozat), which I enjoyed a lot. Such bleak beauty (and the opening shot features this crazy ore lift thing I never new existed!). It's the only Tarr film I've seen and I'm trying to build myself up for Satantango. I've also seen Gerry and Elephant (no Last Days yet though :( ). I've seen all