
I'mma catch hell for this, and I do also want to preface this by saying that the original is one of my favorite albums in the last few years, but Meow The Jewels almost fits this category. The idea is great on paper, but I couldn't make it through it.

A WHOLE lotta Uncharted 4's Mulitplayer Beta. Thats about it, aside from eating, sleeping, and a few work related things.

"Showtime’s continued to engage Dexter fans on social media…"

This was the episode I saw get filmed and I knew I'd love the entire season. They said they'd do more based on the success of these, so I'm hoping Bob and David's fame makes that happen.

Yeah, the end of S5 was such a major letdown that I considered dropping it. But, its been good/great often enough that I feel I owe it at least 1/2 a season before I toss it aside.

I saw the shit out of it!

775 minute runtime? Who directed this? Kurt Sutter?

The only way I was ever able to beat some of these ridiculously hard games was on an NES emulator when I could save every successful movement in those boss fights and the like. Jump over thrown obstacle, SAVE. Move 2 feet. SAVE. Hit boss. SAVE. Repeat. Repeat. Still took forever!!

The first laugh I remember having was seeing Mad Mordigan rolling down a hill after gathering ALL the snow. My entire family lost their shit in that theater at that scene.

I still haven't played the campaign yet, so I barely know the button configuration. Like I said, I have a lot of catching up to do :)

I'll be diving back into MGO this weekend, but I'm not expecting to really enjoy myself too much :)

Paul F. Tompkin's bit about Tower Records (from Comedy Death Ray) is exceptional.

I would like to be inside all of them :)

When I went to see an episode of "…with Bob and David" filmed earlier this year, I was beyond psyched. I saw quite a lot of people come in that I was happy to see. But I was almost giddy when I saw Paul F. Tompkins driving in a Mini-Cooper into the parking lot. He MC'd the entire night and solidified his status as the

I stopped after Paul F. Tompkins. I don't give a shit what else is on! Been waiting on this one for awhile!!

Best episode yet!! Still a B-


Did you know that when you're just about to sneeze, a flawless Angus Young imitation is done?

"Boo Boo Boodio"

This is an easy answer for me, as well as being repetitive!!!