
Any episode that starts with Aya in a bra is already an A+. The fact that this episode was amazing makes it almost too good.

"Ike Barinholtz lost a load of weight between seasons; he looks really different."

DC11GTR or DC11GTR_Pt2

I never knew that teabagging was a thing and completely lost my shit the first time I saw it done in TLOU.

I was one of those "new to shooters" as well, at least in regards to console gaming. I played a couple handfuls of PC (well, Mac) games over the years, but hadn't played a console game since PS1. I hated trying to aim with the controller, and it kept me from playing on a console and in turn missing out on a lot of

Meh… Steve Vai has been one for about 15 years.

I'm really enjoying Molly's line delivery. Very charming.

I'd watch the shit out of a show from Jim Carrey and Common. Not sure about their own shows, but together……


It's about time she'll be in something other then just my dreams……..

I couldn't possibly come up with a list, but Dayman is probably in the top-5 deepest laughs of my entire life.

This show truly does belong on the list of G.O.A.T. sitcoms. Not just for longevity, but quality. And as much as I love Charlie, whose A-game is untouched, its Dee who always brings her A-game.

I would gladly stand in line Star Wars style for this when its finally released. I'm one of those that knows the day he became a Zappa fan: 12/4/93. The day he died.

I may watch it now. That's the first "+" I've ever seen!!

I got a "Judy Greer Sex" notification for this? Eh, not so bad….

It was nowhere in the vicinity of great, but after a few episodes, it was thoroughly enjoyable till the end.

Awww man! This was so much better then I thought it would be. I'd go so far as to say that it was genuinely good.

Well, he hasn't been able to rhyme "trigger" or "bigger" nearly as often as other MC's.

What am I playing this weekend? Rocket League and more Rocket League. Fun at a level rarely matched!!

It was established pretty quick that he had no business being a standup comedian. NCFC was really it for him. His 2 other attempts at specials were garbage. But it made him famous enough to do the charity work he's done. Plus its been over 20 years.