
Pantera when they opened for Prong WAY back in the CFH days. Same with when they opened for Megadeth. Also, every time I saw Candiria before they started headlining after 300% Density.

I think I've been faced with one of those once, and I did pretty much the same as Adam.

I'm in my late 30s and I STILL have stage fright in public bathrooms. I've even fucking toured all over the US a few times and a few shows overseas.

A C is a lot better then I thought it would get. I know both Ferrell and Hart are some of the better mainstream comedic actors on the scene, but still.

But what if I have no friends I can tell?

Yeah, when that originally aired, it was up there with MJ doing the moonwalk on TV for the first time. Completely blown away by how good it was.

I didn't keep count, but it seems like Adam was only absent from a few episodes after he left. Maybe he didn't want to leave, it's that the show had no more stories for him……

This ep was the first true miss for me. Even the others had a few really solid laughs. Jessica's arc had some good material, but the rest fell completely flat.

Quality aside, it wouldn't have been multiple seasons of that though. But for a final season, it's deserved. And this one clocked in at about 39:30. That's a few short regardless.

So little Justified left and these fuckers short us a good 5-10 minutes!!!!!!!

It might be the most watched movie of my youth. Right up there with Breakfast Club and Ferris Beuller's Day Off. Recorded it from MTV and watched it all the time.

Or when Chuckie gets out of juvy at the end of season 8, or whatever and shows up on their porch. He knocks, they answer, CLIFFHANGER!!!

Yeah, this show is right up your alley then.

It felt a bit like they were doing a similar thing as The Affair did in how they had a style influence from True Detective, but it's gone it's own way by the 3rd ep.

I've been a Netflix junkie this entire weekend, finishing off Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and diving into Bloodline. As bad as House Of Cards, these two shows made up for it.

I think they were a better band with Greg, and of course they became a WAAAAYYYY better LIVE band with Greg. I was lucky enough to play 5 shows with them in Japan, and seeing how they did what they did night after night was mind-blowing. Ben even said I had sick chops ;)

For DEP, it's Dimitri era only. When me and my friends first discovered them, the best way we could think of to put it was that if you've ever been so pissed you don't know what to say, it sounds like DEP back then.

Various Converge songs, or You Fail Me or Jane Doe in their entirety.

Keri looks quite a lot like Zombified Rose in iZombie when she wears that blond wig

Those who love Scarface probably love The Room as well, but for all the wrong reasons.