

As long as they leave Emily Rata alone… whatever. Or, maybe we could work a deal out where its just her and me and then BAM!! LAWSUIT!! And she'll need comforting. Lots and lots of comforting.

The only "bad" thing I have to say about this album is that it wasn't Prince doing the chorus in "These Walls"

So, I was playing The Last Of Us Online while watching this episode, pausing in between games and deaths and whatnots. And during the "I'm owning, RAWR!!" scene, I still had my mic on. Got some good laughs from the gallows!!!

Shouldn't have done. She's just a girl. Poor lil' missy!!

That fist to his face was fucking Foldgers!!

It’s not a shame, per say, but now that he’s well established in this world, we don’t get to hear RogelioDeLaVega as much anymore. That shit cracks me up every time.


Anyone from those Most Wanted pics jump out at anyone? I rewound and stared but no one looked at all familiar.

On the flip side of that, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic, got on a trial and actually beat it. She was C-free for about a year, until it came back and eventually…. you know. That particular round was going well, and her numbers were down by 1000 until she had a radiation treatment. That exploded the

Yes, yes, yes. I had no idea who she was, just that she was as hot as any woman that has been on this show, but sexier by quite a bit!!


The Jinx… first season? There's more? As much as I've enjoyed it, I'd like tomorrow night's ep to be it.

It's pretty great. The first season is a bit different from the rest. I think it was a BBC-only, then they jointed and became a bit Americanized. But it's all fun to watch.


And there are others where you have to mash it to run. UGH!!

There should have been a law made years ago where game makers had to use the same buttons for the same functions in every game. For starters, the run/sprint button is different on almost every game.

Blah, blah, blah, 2 and half blahs. Mom is good goddamn show!!

Man, first House of Cards, now The Mindy Project… That Steven Colbert is really going places!!

So, the clear winner here is Emily Ratajkowski!!