
“Whatever you were looking at last week was not nearly…”

So, The Following reviews post-Sonia. This could be interesting.

There really is no other show on the air that could introduce that Sweeny plot and had me not anger-shut the TV off. Welcome back TGW!

Wow. Review posted minutes after the airing. These usually take a few hours, right?

Man, Chayton is gonna a lot easier to fight now!! No face and a good sized chunk out of his mid-section to go along with all his other ailments. Wonder where him and Hood meet next

He is why I almost didn't bother to watch Togetherness. I'm really glad that I did (Amanda Peet is why I decided to go for it) and ended up loving all of it.

Don't tease me with Ben and Kate sketches! Just don't do it!

I had the entire plot planned out as I stood in the aisle holding the beta max. How I'd act, what I'd say to get the Beta player or who I knew that might have one. And it all fell apart. I guess 9 year olds shouldn't intricately plot out scenarios when they don't even know what intricate or scenario means.

Terra-da-loo, The Bob. Mr. Show is the true way.

Soooooo looking forward to this. I worked at a cafe in Hollywood from '99 - 02, then the school that was next door from 02 - 05, and they had a headquarters there. Same place they had the Scientology Xmas. Such an odd environment to be around.

Neill Blomkamps Alliens!!

I kind of expected her to tell him that their restaurant would be safe though.

To this day, I remember his intro to TDS's 1st episode after 9/11. One of the best things I have ever seen/heard/felt in my life.

Does this episode count towards the 2015 GG’s? Cause this should be Gina’s submission episode. She was emotionally all over the place in this one. Had to be draining as shit!!

GooOOoooOOON? Or is that for a ghost support group?

I have such a raging excite for BCS. Been quite awhile since I had a true appointment-TV show.

In Soviet Russia, Great Job Internet AVClubs you.

Fremulon presents Rofron!!


First celebrity I ever met when I moved to LA, CA. Always had a thing for her.