
I guess a series finale is more fitting for top billing, but that Banshee cliffhanger was something else… Could be a few characters series finales!!

Thats wicked retarded. Only not really at all. Hopefully Kelen will get a new gig asap.

That's what I did as well, but I do want to get gold on all missions, so I'll have to do that eventually.

GTAIV to kill Dwayne or Playboy X. I chose Playboy X the first time, and was fine with it. I played it again, killed Dwayne and felt quite shitty.

Worth not having Hannibal. But he didn't belong in this episode really. Maybe at the end, but not in the rest.

I was gonna say, if this episode didn’t get an A, then the reviewer gots to be removed!! This was an A before the first ad break.

Don't blame the dildos!!

Man, what a beautiful destruction there. Love that scene so much.

My only beef was it felt a bit sloppily edited and oddly performed early in the 1st ep. But I did like the overall. Mom is clearly winning so far. All of her scenes were really great.

I didn't mean they were killing people off, it's not really that kind of show. But all of these could end horribly. More so then usual.

Such a bizarre episode. LOVED seeing Lip excited and Fiona happy. But the rest of it was a bunch of interesting starts to stories that kind of scare me with where they could be headed. I know it is Showtime, and they usually allow 1 major character kill a season, but each one could be really bad.

WTF Carrie?!?!?! Now we'll never see hot waitress girl's boobs!!!!

I want to be excited about this but I don't know. His first special was pretty good, but his 2nd one seemed like leftover bits from the 1st one. #3 was really damn good, though.

So, it's Very Bad Things with little to no humor?

Aside from a dire-wolf, or whatever they're called or a dragon, I'd go with Dog Travis

Well, yeah, I mean, I did say I'd be out if the last episode wasn't bat shit insane enough, which it was and was why I watched this one, but I didn't say I'd stick around if the next episode wasn't. Cause I am now out.

That is more along the lines of what I was saying. I'd really like to understand more of where they're coming from. I get a lot from the shows I do watch, and the ones I like the most I feel deserve this kind of depth of understanding.

It's not that the recaps aren't for me, it's that they're talking about a show I've never seen, but have seen every episode of. I'd actually like to watch that show cause the depth of the recaps is amazing.

I've been following these reviews since the beginning of the show and I think I have to stop doing that now.