
Yeah. He did "blow up"? His latest stand up, when funny, was fucking hilarious. His small role in Observe and report was the best next to Seth Rogen("Why would I blow up Chick-fil-a? It's fucking delicious). Btw, not a great movie, I know, but you have to admit how funny it was. And Aziz kills on every episode of

The Jack Sparrow, Willy Wonka, Mad Hatter characters were all seemingly the same. And he hasn't played Michael Jackson yet. And I'm not sure what you mean by Jay Leno. Is he supposed to play him or something?
I just thing he should break away from Burton something else.
P.S.Public Enemies sucked.

Johnny Depp…really?
I hope not. He's played the same quirky/familiar roles for the past decade.

But at least mention "die, emperor!die!" "on the might of princes" or the new emo revival scene, including "joie de vivre" "empire!empire!" and so many others that went unacknoledged from '99 till now.

Sooo fucking glad
I'm so glad someone has finally clarified(in an article) what the emo genre is. I hate saying "emo" when asked what kind of music I listen to, because everyone thinks of all these assholes in make-up and hairstlyes ripped-off from the japanese anime scene.
And stop saying AFI is emo assholes. That's