
"Wesley Silver is GAY?!"
 - Creed 

Forget about her surviving breast cancer and enduring a double mastectomy.  Way to focus on what's really important.

Forget about her surviving breast cancer and enduring a double mastectomy.  Way to focus on what's really important.



As smart, hilarious, and attractive Vanessa Bayer is, why did she only get about 30 seconds of screen time last night?! 

As smart, hilarious, and attractive Vanessa Bayer is, why did she only get about 30 seconds of screen time last night?! 

But the spacebuggy is a problem too!  They have hovering mapping robots, but their most advanced motor technology is go-karts?!  Why not have super-fast hover-bots!  And why not have THEM map the facility while the ship stays in orbit?

But the spacebuggy is a problem too!  They have hovering mapping robots, but their most advanced motor technology is go-karts?!  Why not have super-fast hover-bots!  And why not have THEM map the facility while the ship stays in orbit?

Other victims would have inevitably been offered in the future, so they were not just putting an end to the human race, they were ending the ritual sacrifice of innocent people.

As one of Rail24's friends, I want to make it perfectly clear that we DO NOT all agree with him about either The Office or the best-ness of the cold opens.  This is just one more thing that we're going to have to bring up at his intervention.


Having had made previous comments on this site about Jenna Fischer gaining weight, I felt bad when they actually made fun of her weight gain on the show.  Beautiful woman - deserves better.

Where's the love for Gabriel Susan Lewis?!  He expertly cock-blocked Packer, got vomited on, and on top of that, "they don't make these cords in boot-cut anymore!"

You are not alone.

"Hello Snarf, greetings Mini Cake, hi tiny baby man."  Agreed, best sketch of the night.

Remember when Ryan was on the phone and described Pam as a "6 for NYC, but a 7 for Scranton"?  She's moving down the scale, even for Scranton.

I'll bet you can read all sorts of interesting hidden jokes into Snapple packaging too!

Truly sad, especially considering that Angela Kinsey looked the same after having a child in real life and returning to the show in 2005.  The cold open reflected reality for once.

Actually, this is easier than you might think.  Cathy's not overweight (like Pam).  Cathy doesn't have two young screaming kids (like Pam).  Cathy is a beautiful woman in the same league as Karen Filippelli.  And she's SINGLE.