Happy Enchilada

Easy joke because you didn't have to worry about making it funny?

@HRN: Unfortunately, you are wrong. "Terriers" was not boring. It was compelling, well-plotted, and funny as hell. And if you didn't understand the motivation for delving into the land deal, then you either weren't watching or are a dim person. They thought the rich dude was getting away with killing Hank's friend.

I've been reading detective novels for 25 years and have never seen "terrier" employed as slang for a detective. Google tells me you're right, and I understand the association, but as a title it's about as subtle as to make no sense at all.

Seriously. Goddammit.

I don't know . . . no way they would have left Jim alive under that tree. And no way he'd have wanted them to.

But you're right, the show does fucking own.

No doubt. It's much less awkward to hang out near people and cry about them while they're still alive.

That opening quote is pretty good though: "The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."

Huh. Funny, this consensus re Kanye's brilliance. For me, it was just another affirmation of my position of not giving a flying fuck about that overrated douchebag. My favorite all time SNL performance was the Replacements. But that's probably just me.

" I don't want to dwell on the man's looks . . ."
And yet you do, to an asshole degree unnecessary to illustrate the weak tangent about his marriage to Roberts : "He was and remains astonishingly ugly, with a face that looks like it has been beaten far too many times with a shovel . . . . gargoyle-faced Lyle Lovett

Gift of dentyne
"Anyone can have bad breath, Marge, but you could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon."

I wanted to see the original so badly and was so pissed at my mom when for some reason she wouldn't let me see it in the theater with a bunch of other 9-year-olds. Instead, she insisted on taking me with her to see Raiders of the Lost Ark, a movie I'd had no interest in and that fully blew my third grade mind.

Whatever that was, I think it failed.

Neil Young
Can I say everything from Time Fades Away?

Bob Dylan
"Buckets of Rain" from Blood on the Tracks.

I have never heard of her or her band before.
That's all.

This is What I Notice
"We never pick a president who is above, we pick somebody we identify with: the lowest level, the most common. We didn't pick the best politician in the Bush family, which of course was the governor of Florida. We picked the beer-drinking good ol' boy. Ask them to lead us in areas that maybe


Citation to Wilco for this particular point is ineffective.