
Time for Ridley to use his magical "fucked up prequel" power to ruin the Martian for all of us what enjoyed it

Sure he does.

Hey Hollywood, I don't want to generalize but Jason Sudeikis is no good at everything

Wolf Blitzer stuck his hand in the spokes and lost most of his forearm

Dude, money to be made writing these lyrics. You should haul ass to Nashville post-haste

and 'restraining order'

Way to jump the shark in a big way Property Kajiggers!!

release the hounds

He's pretty good looking, maybe that's why

Those sneaky devils, I wonder what new monkey shines they will foist upon their fans

Cooper has never struck me as having a strong intellect, and after watching Lara Logan interview Trudeau it doesn't surprise me that she sucked too

Have you seen Tron?

Kevin Smith should find a new job. Filmed entertainment of any kind isn't really his thing

But the real bullshit… is yet to come

Finally the detective show that J.Lo deserves

That makes sense, he is history's greatest monster

“I’m not sayin’ I’m the besteses / But I got nice curves, nice breasteses,”


Paul Winfield rocks

Another one outta the park internet…