
I concur, Hahahahahahahahhaha

THanks man!

Don't you mean 'Rockumentary' internet?

What if I need to break into a car?

Heh heh heh, remember when I dropped my measuring cups and you thought the phone was ringing?


The list of "Tropes we have to retire" is so long right now, and I'm sorry but “eating pot brownies without realizing it” is way down on the list

I hope your monocole doesn't fall into your absinthe there, Colonel Smarty-pants!

FYI, they've mounted a shit-ton of loudspeakers on the boat that will just play over-enunciated windy voice over.

Wow, I thought my comic book looked like shit. It's nice to know there is one person alive who draws crappier than I do

Hey Paul Feig, go fuck yourself.

Zack Snyder vs. Angry Studio Investors

Batman vs. Zack Snyder

This actually sounds pretty cool.

Jesus vs. Amelia Earhardt

Is 'Masculogynazi' or 'Meninazi' a term yet?

It's high time the pretty people of the world spoke up on these sorts of whatevers

Hey Internet, once and for all back away from the editing machine and no-one will get hurt

I don't know, I'd have to be in a dwarven coma not to stop some asshole from drugging someone

Euro Disney?