
How much armor did they eat?


Bummer, I had high hopes for the "Anonymous Smartass" spinoff they had planned

Who's playing Welshie in this one?

Sad day for the glitterati when Tamagotchi shit outdoes all of their stupid outfits

What about C3P0? he seems a bit light in the robot loafers.

I can't wait to see what Tilda Swinton does with this role

he throws in 'boobies' and 'peepee' once in a while too

He's a Canadian rap musician, how long did people expect him to stay cool?

Is it for money? I bet it's for money. Also technically is Snooki still a celebrity?

There a still a few of us left, we move from town to town trying to stay in the shadows

we should form a gang

I look forward to many poorly researched interviews on whatever the fuck concerns millenials

Fuck the world, man.

They'll just wait till everyone forgets about it and make the movie

That was the best, it actually got me interested in Punk.

So many memories

More of a lesser imp

Yep, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, That guy who wrote Crash, Ted Cruz

If only our GG was that interesting. The latest guy is a construct made entirely of Velveeta and Wonder bread