
use Lazer instead of Laser

Meg White - Queen of the Ultra-Brunettes

I don't know, I think people pay for an advertorial and the bosses at the AV Club make people write a good review

Finally, a band poster my Grandma will stick to the fridge!

Whoa, you shoot first…

I have disgusting garbage of my own to deal with, thank you very much.

If the CIA wanted to start a race war, why would they use Beyonce? She doesn't make me angry, just a bit sleepy

Same here, also those shoes are hideous.

So who's playing the unhinged geologist in this one?

has 'fan-service-y' ever equaled 'awesome' ?

The mostly come out at night, mostly.

And it doesn't stop there folks! Bumperpool will also feature

I loved him in that thing I saw him in.

is anything still a 'thing'? does anybody really know what time it is?

Sarcasm, the coward's lie.

Hey, be nice

I knew it!!!

GENT magazine

So it's officially a massive wank now?

Financial Tip - Seattle Music festivals mean it's a good time to short-sell Gillette stock