
This was a solid D. They even ruined the possibility of a Sara/Mick fight with a shitty intercut of Rip/Pirate throwing each other around old set pieces from The Star Trek:Enterprise garage sale

Enough about that sandal wearing goldfish tender…
will Johannson be diving naked in the first scene?

So I checked with Canada's Foreign Affairs Ministry and Fuckheadistan exports Aerosol Cheese and "Hey Vern!" DVDs mostly

So dirty the actors have to go into hiding.

I think it was Stallone

Deadpool 2: Effed in the A

Take a moment to totally avoid Gamer, it's eye-gougingly bad

Me fuck off? You fuck off!! The whole damn system can FUCK OFF!!

Adam Sandler's involvement would explain a few things

Don't underestimate Disney's ability to waste time

I stand corrected, also I'm Canadian!

He probably boned his way through most of the on set interns as well.

Apparently the fire starts when some oily rags spark up a pile of TRON:legacy Blurays

Oh Joke Explainer, why ya gotta be explaining jokes?

It's "That's incredible!" for a whole new generation!!!


Well they could have edited down the "99 bottles of beer on the wall" scene.

do go on…
*sips club soda with straw till it makes slurping noises

"Praised by crickets."

That is beautiful.