
Oh yeah, big time. Flockhart's botox budget would have to be cut in half

Smoke them out with Weed!!

If Anna Kendrick doesn't make you smile, you have no heart or your face is paralyzed and you can't.

That would be cool

But it does compel me PantsGoblin, it does compel me.

Before she does that she needs to take a hard look at the O-line of the NY Giants. Eli needs a bit more protection.

Supergirl is on my "as soon as it's on Netflix" watchlist

hmmmm, my attempt to explain this has now officially died.

Network (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) have a much higher cost per mille than cable so the ratings equivalency between CBS and the CW aren't 1:1

I was under the assumption that there would be no math involved

I've bumped Kanye up from 'Regular Crazy Oddball' to 'Batshit Lunatic'

A really good way to boost Supergirl's ratings would be to get it off CBS.

ISIS' weapons and zealotry are no match for a bunch of bearded guys who know a lot about the latest trends on twitter

Hasn't his family suffered enough?

Man, you blew it.

"…directed by Anthony Wilcox"

Lauren Lapkus should do stuff about being tall, because she is quite tall

Earlier today I tried to take a 'selfie' but instead I made a video.

We've struggled against overwhelming odds for too long brother

Meh, I think I'll wait til I see it for free on an airplane.