


It's a bad idea to apologize to James Cameron. He sees it as a sign of weakness.
He's gonna shit all over your yard now

Cool, let's get that Shyamalam-ding-dong twist guy to direct the biopic

Who gets to cover him in graphite?

Hollywood's plan to wipe out all of Ridley Scott's remaining legacy will soon be complete

How about a superhero who uses the power of branding, focus groups and youth-oriented product placement to make heroically bad creative decisions?!??!

He's an albino ventriloquist with an unlimited supply of ammo. She's a paraplegic snake charmer who can talk to animals. Together, They Fight Crime!

Maybe it's more like 'so stupid it's almost less stupid' ?

Bleech, Kevin Smith making a movie about Canadians must be payback for us sending Justin Bieber to California.

But,, the Forbidden planet!! It's Forbidden!!!!

Time really took a sledgehammer to Duchovny eh?

Or, the person who's heart explodes first wins!

These movies look profoundly irritating.

I hope you get extra money for reviewing SNL Dennis, it can't be easy to watch anymore.

IF anyone at KFC's ad agency is reading, you can expect a "KFC Championship" campaign soon.

McG just keeps making all the wrong moves

Fat Damon - outstanding

I kinda like this guy. Is Plemons undervalued?

probably a couple Bs too, he seems like a randy man