
Oh my God, Judge Judy is fake?!!??!

I agree, and your profanity is totally justified

Why that's just a jump to the left!

what if you're a gay jew? do they cancel out in Cruz's mind?

Remember when Jesse Jackson called NY "Hymie-town" ?

Unless, you were having sex with Ted Cruz and then took both your cars to Burning Man, and he followed cause he didn't know where it was

they should also race-flip it and everyone should talk backwards.

Stupid live theatre is the worst. A small group here did a play based on Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" with actual idiots

You should find some new friends.

for me it still left me wondering if De Caprio has a second facial expression

and thank god for it, I was hitting the bong pretty hard then, so it's nice to catch up

Wow, hold me closer tiny driver

Yeah, and she's a regular sized human female

Why not?

Meh, I think women could do it

it's a bit premature to suggest 'great'

Your post sent me into a rage-spiral

what about NASCAR? body size means little if you're all driving the same Pontiac POS

You're a blurnsball

It's true, just try to talk about Hitler's mustache on twitter