
At what point to NBC, CBS, and ABC perp-walk all of their programming execu-bots out the front door?

Way to go NBC, Stalker had one day to retirement.

Rob Lowe invented grindr?!?? That explains a lot.

To be fair, what kind of bar did you expect Wes Anderson to design?

"My Pen, He's got my Pen!!" is my top one KITH sketch of all time

No you're not.

He's been a Captain for over 70 years, he should at least be Colonel America by now

Tarkovsky's "Kapitan Amerika"

The CBC is more like Canadian NPR without all the excitement.

This is all part of Albania's plan to conquer all media.

Maybe we should hang out? I'm up for whatever.

"It seems safe to assume we're not going to wind up with Brave New Sharknado"

too late.

Which isn't easy in an awards show with 129 categories.
105 - TV
24 - Film

Apostrophe for amblin'

There was a TV mini-series of it back in the 80's. I remember it being pretty cool

I wonder if Mega-Croco-saurus will be a Beta or a Gamma?

*runs to hide under nearest couch*

Meh, you could have let it lie