
If he's not playing the Beastmaster, his appearance doesn't count.

The stupid story line can be explained by two words - Ridley Scott


The Phil/Jay story was basically a long ad for Toyota.

The one guy on the right looks like he wants to go ice fishing

Eric Judy? Russel Higbee?

I don't know, I think mice should have more of an "in your face" attitude.

It's the only reasonable option.


Geez, get a room you two. The sexual tension is a bit much.

Mrs. Ray Rice?

It's a Canadian paper that's been struggling to get off the ground for the past 170 years, give it a chance

I get it, you want to be a bad boy and put your disease inside of Diane Lane.

..also Sting should be there, for some reason

Inside… out… desert planet… Inside… out… desert planet… Inside… out… desert planet… Inside… out… desert planet…

Meh, Sorkin is so lame. I'm surprised viewers are still awake to write a review after watching this windy old coot's bullshit.

Hmmph, after reading the article I see this is the bad kind of celebrity necrophilia.

I'm surprised there are still people that can be fooled into watching Discovery channel for any reason. Nothing ever happens, and I'll bet the first hour and 45 minutes of the show was just recaps and gadgety editing.

I use the term 'suckscellent'

What about Nancy "Rhoda's Mom" Walker's turn in 'the chair' for that Village People Movie?