
Next Day poof, 100% of viewers gone

"Attack of the Accents" starring Ed Helms as Accent Grave

Taxi Brooklyn isn't Canadian, unless the term "Canadian Television" is now slang for "Shitty Television"

"E Commenters— Huffpo Contributors"

Except for his turn in Fifth Element, I could watch 8 straight hours of Ruby Rod mincing around

I think Will Ferrell is best when he stays home and maybe does things around his house which keeps him off my tv and out of theatres I might attend

I call the big one Bitey!

NBC Execubot rises from wrapper with grey dust lining his notrils and frantically shouts "I've got it! We'll hire sexy interns and trick them into having sex with us!! Also Manimal!"

el_benito gave up his right nut for "After Mash" DVD's

I 'm hearing this in Ben Stein's voice (in my head) and it's hilarious

Maybe they can do a crossover sequel with Lucan: The Wolf Boy? Get one of those homosexual kids from Glee to play Lucan, but all glammed up and shit…

They're clearly snorting the ashes of dead NBC executives

Next you'll be saying the Federation of Inter State Truckers (F.I.S.T.) wasn't a real union.

Holy nerdgasm.

Way to go JMP, it was just starting to be safe to go into theatres again too

Honestly Hollywood, wasn't Manimal shitty enough?

Phantom Menace

People who liked Russian dressing also made the list because McCarthy was not only a paranoid drunk he was also incredibly stupid

I had Yellow Jersey fever in High School, then the girl's field hockey team got a restraining order.

DId hollywood learn NOTHING from Battleship?