Long time lurker First time tr

I'm surprised that there's no mention of the karaoke singing cop. I viewed him as the protagonist of the film, not Gosling's character. At least for me, the karaoke scenes became more and more poignant as the film progressed…like he was singing out his sorrows for having to wade through the dirt of the world to (try

No, see, this makes total sense. Bruce Wayne secretly likes to run around in his underwear with his teenage sidekick (male or female, depending on the writer) but only does it in secret, only in the dark.

If he looks and sounds goofy enough in the video, I'm sure they'd line up to play him just the same.

His WikiPedia page says he is in the movie. For what that's worth.

I think the confusion
comes from those dudes assuming he's going to teach pool. What he does seem to be teaching is the hustle, from what they show in those clips.

Seems unfair to lump Coppola in there, since he was just filming something that was happening anyway. It's like the people who got all up in arms about that person skinning the rabbit in Roger & Me.
It's not like they were doing multiple takes, just filming what the people were doing already and working it into their


I think Coldstream's just feisty because he meant to type "play" but they don't let you change your avatar name once you pick it.