
Have you seen the movie 30 Days of Night? GREAT movie that happens to star Hartnett. It's about a town in northern Alaska that experiences 30 days of total darkness in the winter due to how far north it is. A band of vampires comes to town and takes advantage of the dark. Hartnett plays the police chief. The vampires

What is Dorian's tie in with everything that has happened on this show? He has a sinister affect on people. He seduced Ethan, brought the Devil out of Vanessa and Lily is a murderer. Could the tie in be that Dorian is really the Devil? Think back to last season when he was so smitten with Vanessa and is now with a guy

Years ago, there was a movie about a man who was revived after being clinically dead for some time. He wound up doing horrific things. It turned out his soul left his body when he died. I think that's what has happened to Lily. Brona's soul is gone and what's left is a real monster.

A few things fell short. When Vanessa mentioned John Clare's name to Dr. Frankenstein, there was barely a reaction. Would have thought the Dr. would have shown more. Also, when Dorian arrived at Sir Malcolm's home to deliver the ball invitations, Vanessa had very little reaction to seeing Dorian. Would have thought

Those relics from the British Museum foretold what would happen to Vanessa, even that she would have a protector, a Lupus Dei. Ethan became a werewolf for a purpose, to protect her. They will wind up together.

Agreed, however, would have been more interesting if Vanessa could have shown uncertainty, something odd in her get together with Lily/Brona. She looked back as she was leaving the restaurant. I expected to see a look on her face, such as something wasn't right. Instead, she had a humorous expression, having witnessed

Forgot to add something to my previous post. Anyone out there think the Monster/Frankenstein will become a protector to Vanessa? Their scenes together are beautiful and touching, she moves him, but is there a point to the two of them meeting? Now that it's happened two times, I believe it is for a purpose.

Sorry to say I didn't care for this episode. I believe this was Episode 5 and the story line is stalling. Dorian's story line is not needed. He has not had any scenes this season with the rest of the main characters. Besides, he's boring. nothing has been done to even develop Dorian Gray. He's supposed to be so wicked