Miracle Max

Me too! Its the podcast I most anticipate new episodes of. Harmon doing Bane doing A Prairie Home Companion is still a bit that regularly gets shouted between friends at my house. "The fire was warm, the crime was rampant and victory was ultimately mine."

A- for me!

I don't think I've ever been a big margin writer myself, but I absolutely love reading a used copy or a friends copy and seeing thoughts or underlined passages. Things that were important to someone else.

One of their first dances was a mature piece that went over extremely well. It was a Sonya Tayeh contemporary from the Top 20 episode maybe?

I had heard a bunch of Mountain Goats and liked what I was hearing, but man, the first time I heard No Children that was when he crystallized into a permanent spot in my brain.

Wow… I always thought my mom was weird in her hatred of the word "suck". She called it "The S-word". She was fine with us saying "shit" but "suck" was "The S-word". Let it be known. All moms hate the word "suck"

God is Dead should also be included in this category.

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Agreed. I wouldn't want to be Erin either. I don't think I could be around him everyday, but generally he reminds me of a lot of my friends.

I havent seen this episode in a while. Does she do that ToronTo thing?

Pretty darn good indeed!

I sabotaged her wedding as a friend!

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus  Whenever he shows up on Hannibal I really wish he would turn to the camera and say "…a completely loony, Liz Windsor!" with that maniac smile.

It definitely is. I don't think she found out till after the Red Wedding though. I might be remembering it wrong, but I think she was taken as a captive somewhere in Lannister lands because she's carrying Robb Stark's baby.

Can someone give me a hand zipping up my person suit?

And distinctly different facial hair.

That office has the coolest set design. He looked like a spider climbing down the ladder in the background.

Haha! That's exactly what I thought as soon as she showed up on screen. No, Amy! Selena needs you!

Did anyone watch it last night because they are in Canada? Then get bummed out because they forgot they would have to wait an extra day for the write up?

While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?

Another tie in to that episode is Jeff and the Dean getting trapped doing impressions of eachother.