Miracle Max

Exactly! I'm also around the same age (born in 86) and there is a videotape somewhere in my parents house of me in a onesie dancing by myself to my dad's Manic Monday record. Flashforward 22 years and you will find all of their albums on my ipod.

I have spent the last 5 minutes chuckling at the name Rune Schrute.

The quick cut between the two doorman scenes was definitely surreal, but when the scene following that was Betty talking about helping Henry rape that girl I thought maybe I was having a stroke. Or another weird Don dream sequence.

Yes! Exactly all this! Jimmy's attention was divided between Estefania and Fiona so Nando stepped in to resolve it. 

Agreed. It also felt sort of realistic. People say dumb stuff like that all the time and it's only once the words are out of your mouth that you hear how silly it sounds.


I too started this show for musical reasons! I had no intentions of ever watching Gilmore Girls, but then one week the TV Guide said "Lorelai and Rory go to a Bangles concert". Sold!

James Brolin: "Whatever, I'm just Jeff Winger's dumb, gay dad!"

You made a wise choice.


Exactly. Coupled with the fact that she's pretty much disconnected from all the people that used to support her. She broke up with Adam, she's still a bit on the outs with Marnie and Jessa just fucked off.

For years after seeing this movie, my friend and I would greet eachother by saying "Hallo Pa-tricia."

Big Dick! Big Dick! Big Dick!

As adorable as she was in the dress, the effect was negated by the chess hat.

Who said you weren't? Saddle up, fruit pie.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus You might have a point. The worst is when you get into Sorry Cycle with another canuck. "I'm sorry!" "No, I'm Sorry!" "Really sorry!" until one of us falls asleep.

He does indeed!

It was also created by Slings and Arrows writer Bob Martin. The humour and tone of the show is pretty similar to Slings I think.

Buy the set! It's worth it! Bloopers and interviews!