Crackers the Dog who is a Geni

Don't spoil the part where someone is pregnant with the midget's baby!? Oh shit, SPOILER ALERT.

Trigger's Body of Work
I knew without checking IMDB that Sarah Trigger was the actress who portrayed a ne'erdowell hooker/addict/Jason Gedrick love interest in the mid-90's CBS drama "EZ Streets". But that's only because I've watched the 11 episodes of EZ Streets a dozen times.

Too soft. The noose calls.

Flight Control is great value for 99c, as is its water-borne cousin Harbor Master (with addicting island music!). Doodle Jump is a "keep jumping up" platform game that is possibly the best 99 cents I have ever spent on anything.

You're right, ZMF. I'm one of those dudes - I work for a media company so I don't feel good about torrenting it. But fuck! I gotta either watch season 2 in a day, and then I've spent $29 on DVD's I can sell for $8, or I watch season 2 slowly, and I get way fucking behind on season 3 - it waits on my TiVo while

You know you suck at suicide when a wispy little emo manchild like Elliott Smith can stab himself in the heart better than you can.

Answer the judge will give you as he hands down your sentence: Yes, you are responsible for everything you do on drugs!

Yeah, there are a lot of countries where Pot Is Evil Mind Destroyer is not preached at the children, and they seem to have largely turned out OK, with their civilizations only temporarily collapsing when invaded by Hitler, not by hordes of jazz-listening, pot-craving, angry Negroes.

Down on the Upside was the album that made me wish Soundgarden would break up.

So he's like a 70's Lou Pearlman?

Get on that before your brain cloud takes you out.

Because that's already been done by every website, Obvious Joke Machine, and your mom. It's too easy.

I really thought New Moon would top the list. Come on, you're telling me it's the 20th or higher worst film of the year?

The title sucks
I'll lay 15:3 odds that it gets changed before the film's actually released.

The Commission is back with a ruling. Joe Dirt ain't pop culture.

Raymond L-Y, are you some kind of AV Club commenting "character" whose schtick is to have very poor musical taste?

1. Wake Up
2. Buy Album
3. Masturbate

People who are convinced by a fictional TV show to not vaccinate their children are en example of natural selection working as intended.

Christopher Lloyd, the writer/producer is a different dude from Doc Brown. And no, his dad's dead, and you just made him think about it again. Dick.

Watched Dumbo, a 64-minute masterpiece with more hallucinatory imagery and uncomfortable racial stereotypes than you might remember offhand, on a 30-year old VHS tape.