
I agree with Batmandu.

Go watch Phineas and Ferb. You will not regret it.

God, yeah, Dumbo's mom.

Dear Zachary was utterly devastating. I cried at the end of the Japanese "Dark Water" too.

I think maybe he was being sarcastic, since the movie was actually pretty gritty without a new version?

"Already Gone" is the one I love more than I should.

The key is to like bands that are hot in Europe but less-known here. I saw Scissor Sisters for $30 in a club that was maybe half-full. Fantastic.

I thought they were going through with the divorce so Skylar wouldn't be on the hook if Walt got caught?

So what was with "Kill us all?"
Was he bluffing, or are they all really prisoners, as they hinted at a bit?

IIRC, "Opera" was the one where Kaufman, completely frustrated by all the ad-libbing, ran out during a scene and said, "Excuse me, but I think I just heard a line I wrote."

Addiction is weird, because it generally was the addict's choice to take the first drink or shoot the first whatever; but after addiction has taken hold of that person, it's a chronic disease, and willpower, determination, good heart, can-do spirit, whatever, may not be enough to help.

Yeah, that episode made me want Faith leading the Potentials. Not sure if that's what was intended.

I'm also reminded of Buffy pulling out the rocket launcher. Piano wire's just not the same.

I don't care what canon says, I will believe forever that Xander was covering up for Dawn.

I thought the holy water was a budget thing?

What was she doing sedating that guy? What would she have done with him if she *hadn't* turned him over to the cops? WTF.

I think, actually, the Bionic Woman reboot was better than this.

Yeah, the bits were always kind of terrible, but I liked the videos.

Part of the problem, IMO, is that child testimony is so fraught. You can easily get kids to believe what never happened, or to get them to believe in a more dramatic/interesting/traumatic version of what actually happened to them. Mostly I came out of that movie angry as hell the cops & other authorities, because I

Yeah, even with the description and knowing for years what the ending was (I didn't watch when it originally aired, though I'd caught a few episodes of the show) it still felt like a gutpunch.