
Ditto for Megan Fox, though I suspect no one expected her to act well. I am curious, though, considering Rourke actually said she was good.

The new guy's not particularly attractive, and they have him Twilight hair. Yeeeeah.

That was awesome.

I am still fond of the turtleducks.

Don't forget Q from Star Trek.

There's a new comic by the Babymouse people (I assume he'd think Babymouse was too girly). I think it's about an amoeba. My daughter says it's just as funny as Babymouse, you might want to check it out.

Since this seems to be the post where we talk about what we're looking for, I'll add I find this info really useful too. Especially with our local Borders sinking, it's hard to find age-appropriate comics for my kid, and I want her to read comics, dammit.

The times I use the letter grades, actually, is when it looks like a book *isn't* the kind of thing I'd like — if it gets an especially high grade, I'll give it a second look. I don't have a strong feeling on the topic either way, but it is a way where grades can be useful.

That would make it more forgivable!

Didn't he speak Spanish at some point? (Which doesn't mean he was Mexican or Hispanic, just wondering if that's where the misperception came from.)

Anthony, if Gus did unleash a monologue, it'd be two guys yelling at each other. Instead, Gus stayed silent, as Walt got more and more paranoid and desperate.

I figure Saul uses coke, just, you know, casually. But the panic is totally justified, especially now he knows Mike is not in any way on his side.

I assume Sal was just getting prepared.

Yeah, I read Victor as knowing Gus would need/want a scapegoat and offering up Jesse and Walt. He'd fucked up, and *then* he got seen.

I figured Walt's "I won't cook for you" threat = "I will kill myself, good luck trying to coerce me then."

Or was that because they should've been wearing masks? Good catch.

I think Victor's car was also probably a factor — yeah, he would've looked like any guy, but the car might have been seen/IDed/connected with the 'laundry.'

I love that offscreen, 'Jesse' is getting everyone to try the blue meth.

I was reading along, thinking I could pretty much care less about Diddy, but then he bashed Smokey. Not on.

Alley-Kat Abra! I wanted to be just like her when I grew up.