
The Kindle browser is pretty terrible though.

I just decided I couldn't see Will's stupid face any more.

Shadow's biracial, his mom's black.

Yeah, I've heard the idea before and since, and don't think there's necessarily any direct stealing. (Gaiman himself used the idea briefly in Sandman.)

Yeah, definitely Vin Diesel-y. Andre Royo would be good.

Wait, 64 comments
And no casting thread?

Yeah, but that episode sucked out loud.

I think Prachett has a bit more heart than Adams, which means he can dip into sentimentality, but I care more about the characters. Especially the Watch books. It's amazing the arc of quality they went through (I haven't read the latest, though), from a goofy D & D takeoff to something much more.

Yeah, they're having the guy who wrote Episode 2 write something in the next season and I do not understand why. Because that episode was terrible. Of course, the pacing was awful too, so I guess I can't completely blame the writer.

Watched some MST3K on Netflix instant and Home Movies on ondemand. Caught up with Tiger & Bunny on Hulu.

IKR? It's a master class. I did watch the first two seasons, and you're being pretty ridiculous if you act like Gwen's character was the only one that made terrible choices and fucked things up.

It's kind of amazing realizing this is so early in the show.
Usually, a show takes half a season or so to find its legs and actually get good. Homicide was a real exception; this is one of the show's masterworks, IMO.

That Opie reaction just about killed me.

I liked him on Community too, but that was a pretty Buster role.

Also, their chocolate-covered donuts are delicious.

Brick is a noir, only instead of old-timey 20's slang, they use made-up slang. That's why JGL gets beaten up so much and why the female lead is an untrustworthy backstabber. Does that help?

That's an awesome story, Jimmy James.

There was also zero competition from new movies. Let's face it, that Tom Hanks/Julia Roberts movie looked terrible and got terrible reviews. If you wanted to watch something relatively new, it was talking cars.

I just picked up the manual for the TMNT roleplaying game for 50 cents at the library book sale. I'm kind of thrilled.

Me too.