
Roger, I think some of it was the way he and his staff acted like they'd never heard of the dead/evil lesbian tropes they'd invoked. It appeared pretty disingenuous, especially for someone like Joss, who made a big deal out of trying to make the show feminist and who had long, deep roots in TV and film.

"That was explained, by Joss, is that he forgot Warren died"


I remember in an interview
Years later, Andre Braugher complained about having kids and then, essentially, losing them to another plotline.


I'm with Scrawler — a lot of the stuff that seems to be going off the side rails is really part of the main plot. You can not like that main plot, which is fine, but it seems really connected to me.

I liked the bar fight too, Ack Ack. And god, I love that moment when Wes tells her to keep the glasses on. It hurts.

I thought the slo-mo was cheesy but it worked: Wes was pulling out all the stops, John Woo-style, but it wasn't enough. Sometimes life doesn't go the way you imagine. (One of the recurring themes of Angel. And life.)

She is beautiful. I think she should be in a movie with Benedict Cumberbach so we can do nothing but make ridiculous name jokes in the comments field.

I was expecting something a lot busier when I scrolled down. It's awesome.

Same here, robin.

Istanbul is nobody's business but the Turks.

I loved Nature Trail to Hell. In 3-D! (every old trend is new again, huh?)

ElDan, I had both albums (yay for BMG Music club, or whatever it was called back then!). Loved both the songs, but "Six Words" are the lyrics that stuck.

Ugh, medleys.

I love the polka melodies.

The space sword was kind of dumb, but Sokka's master himself makes up for it.

I love how early they introduce some of these elements that pay off big later.

Yeah, they do a nice job of showing steel under that goofy core, even at the start.

Yeah, I love the way they let Sokka's character grow naturally and found ways for him to be vital.