
I think that's almost certain, but Trey and Matt were, I think, genuinely saddened that Scientology had essentially ordered Isaac Hayes away from the show. I'm guessing the 2 1/2 Men folks are just enjoying themselves.

Southland Tales was, of course, an infamous train wreck, but I thought he was really good in it.

I sort of like the thought
That the entire 2 1/2 Men writing staff (possibly with help from other staffers) are happily brainstorming the most ridiculous, insulting way to write Sheen off the show. It just warms my heart.

Checking it out now.

I think Taylor Swift's had hit songs about bad dates.

Are you kidding? Screwing your friends over in a game is one of life's great pleasures.

I watched Twin Peaks as an early teen and actually remembered the bank explosion as being in an earlier episode — my mind had isolated all the Black Lodge stuff as the final.

Man, the comments on that Kotaku article are hilarious.

I still hate it, but I think I may have been wrong about the self-pity. I still think that shows how fucked-up his view is, though. He got his throat cut because he betrayed those very friends he says abandoned him, after all.

I'd also like footage of Wes and Angel 'dancing' in She.

I think Andy Hallett is the Angel alum I miss the most. I would've watched the Lorne Show.

Dammit, AV Club, this is why my Netflix queue is permanently stuck at 500.

And his voice remains fantastic.

He's pretty classy in the interview, too. I love how diplomatic he is about Heroes going to shit.

I knoooooow.

That's really interesting, thanks!

I definitely prefer the English dub, but it's almost certainly because I watched that first and most often.

Same here. Especially since he had such a long and varied career.

My parents moved in 1999. The people who bought their house were convinced civilization would end in 2000 and so, when we let them move some of their stuff in early, we watched carried in 50-pound bags of rice and the like.

Thanks, RagingBear. He's really the full package: attractive, slightly inhuman looks, great voice, absolutely ridiculous and memorable name.