
RagingBear, what's he done on radio? Anything worth BitTor— er, checking out?

I would love a good Young Justice or Young Avengers movie, mostly unknows, keep it simple. Never gonna happen.

Als0, smoking costs even more money than cable.

I saw an 'extended trailer' last night and it actually looks a bit less stupid in motion— everything's shiny and distracting, like the live-action Speed Racer movie. But it does not look like a good movie.

Disappointing, but unsurprising.
Once they started casting Ryan Reynolds in every conceivable superhero movie…I figured that was a bad sign. I really wanted a John Stewart Lantern movie, but I guess I'm glad he's not in something this terrible.

Cosby's books were pretty huge back in the day.

Rob Paulsen as Donatello just seems wrong.


I love that

That would be incredibly appropriate, yes.

I played Deep to death in high school. Am considering cherry-picking the singles that don't suck off Amazon.

I love the throwaway detail that the dog is worth more than the bounty (and almost anything else on this show).

I saw the photo and thought it was some kind of over-the-top sports movie parody.

Angel didn't pound on it as much as some stories do, but seriously, these conversations about Trust on TV get old fast.

I'm still pissed they were basically angry at CC for getting pregnant and…IDEK, screwing up their plots or whatever. It was annoying when Moonlighting did it and IT'S STILL ANNOYING, especially from people who try to wave their 'feminist' flag around.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about S5, as it was a different show and turned far more (for me) into The Angel and Spike show vs. what came before. I'm curious to see if my thoughts change on rewatching/reconsidering.

Humming works. Holtz was humming, IIRC.

Yeah, CFAmick, there are unwritten rules everywhere.

Supersymmetry made me kind of angry — the second Fred refused to introduce Gunn as her boyfriend I realized they were doomed, and then The Act at the end cemented things, and wow was I tired of Relationship Angst (and irked at Fred for acting at least on some level like Gunn wasn't good enough for her). But in

I think I watched "Mushroom Samba" first too.