
Yeah, I think Brotherhood is a great example of why adaptations shouldn't be too literal (though their Wrath is far, far better).

Migraine Boy, you nailed it.

Yeah, "Lonely Boy" is terrible, but I like "Thank You" still.

IIRC, Shamalyan also called the original fight scenes kind of dull, so…yeah. Fuck that guy.

Damn, the Mojo mention reminds me I'd forgotten the PowerPuff Girls. I'd definitely want them to back me up.

I think the Patrician uses whatever method is most effective, and thus has changed with the times. After all, this is the Century of the Fruitbat.

I want to see it about the same amount, but where the first trailer made it look like a horror movie with a weird science subtext, this one makes it look like glorious trash.

I really like the way they all work together, though I agree Bakula's the weakest link. You really get the feel that they're friends and really enjoy each other.

Hell yes.

Edge to Tintin, simply because I don't think the Gauls could make sense of our fancy gadgets. Well, Getafix would eventually, but you know the others….

One of my best friends had GI Joes and He-Man figures. They also worked well together, despite the fact the He-Man figures (He-Men?) were about twice the Joes' size. We rarely created superhero teams, instead arguing over who got to be Skeletor.

The Watch or just the Patrician. He'd just arch his eyebrow at my enemy and it'd all be over. Goddamn I love Vimes, though.

Also, you would probably die and have to be wished back to life if you got the DBZ crew to help you. Not worth the trouble. Torchwood is not much better.

The first thing Aang does is ask Katara out, not to be his mom. I get how people might prefer one ship over the other, but it's not like there weren't plenty of Katara/Aang 'hints' too.

I discovered her when I bought The Portable Curmudgeon as an over-read, snarky high schooler. Can't wait to see this doc.

The Way You Make Me Feel is a creepy video, but the song is great.

I loved Off the Wall, I'm not sure I can decide between them.

I found him a really watchable ham, Geddy. And neither of those movies were exactly potential cinematic masterpieces brought down by a bad performances.

Wodehouse, having read her book, I will say it's unlikely at best she would have changed her mind. That shit was really, really racist. (I enjoyed the book, but I skimmed some bits and stared in shock at others.)

You must've missed the screaming Orlando Bloom fangirls when the movie came out, Shrike.