21st Century Dog Star Man

Old news and bad news
I read about this a few months ago, and I'm not excited. True Grit is a very sincere, earnest movie/book. It's not gritty, it's not dark, and it certainly isn't cynical. I don't know that it can benefit from the Coen's snarky, winking cynicism.


Was it really all that smart of a movie, though? I agree that the source material was incredibly intelligent, especially for a comic book.

Man, these people don't really exist.

Wavelength is great, but Back and Forth is better.

It's certainly not there only to "push the boundaries" of cinema (which is a problem with the term "avant-garde," because that's sort of what it implies).

Yeah, the issue of what to call the stuff is one that a lot of people have spent an awful lot of time arguing about.

I guess it's not as depressing as everything else in the world. You take levity where you can get it, I suppose.

But the point you're missing is that Wallace isn't impressed by his own cleverness; he's fighting *against* that sort of schlock by trying to inject meaning where there was before only look-at-me style cleverness.

Even if those people do love the stuff, what bearing does it have on anything? Even if every single one of his readers were these dreaded hipsters, does it show in the writing. I'd argue that, among writers of his generation (Easton Ellis, Zadie Smith, Chabon, Eggers, Mark Fucking Leyner) he's among the least hip.

@ Curtis

I'm going to agree w/ Chico on Electric Warrior. It's better than Slider, and certainly more iconic. In fact, it may be as good an entry point as Ziggy.

Laura is really great. Preminger's films aren't as rigorously noir as Wilder's films, but they're vastly superior.


Detective is really neat. There is a trailer for it which is really awesome.

Week-End is great, but it was made just before Godard went off the deep end and swore off the French New Wave.

Did people actually see the Loop? It was really fucking awful. It was like that 10 Items or Less show, only with a worse theme song.