
At it's heart, Breaking Bad is a love story.  Us, in the audience, watching see that Skyler and Walt are a completely incompatible couple and were from the first moment we met them.  (God that hand job was actively painful to watch.  If anyone says, "Hey, that's just like my marriage," please get yourself a good

Nah, it's too blatant to be subtext.  Maybe the alternate universe stuff was subtext.

Nah, it's too blatant to be subtext.  Maybe the alternate universe stuff was subtext.

Once Upon A Time version… Rumpelstiltskin for the win!

Once Upon A Time version… Rumpelstiltskin for the win!

My brother and I call it the Yorganism effect after a particularly insightful Penny Arcade cartoon.

My brother and I call it the Yorganism effect after a particularly insightful Penny Arcade cartoon.

Yes, but not _those_ braces [shudder]

Yes, but not _those_ braces [shudder]