Young Pioneer

Heard it through the grapevine
The Slits cover of that song is the finest cover song I've ever heard.

The only thing Russell Brand ever did to earn his fame was marry that trollop. Hell, I'll become a fan if he can keep her in the kitchen and away from the recording studio.

It is an awful show in so many ways. But it's fun. Additionally, the fact that so many of her matches seem to fail reaffirms my belief that my method of dating people who like my personality will pan out.

Family Guy has had good episodes, even some ones in the past couple seasons. It's gag-based humor, though. There have to be a lot of good jokes to even make it a halfway decent episode because I'm not that invested in the characters. It's like they're making up a new batch of characters and how they interact every

If Mythbusters was even tangentially related to science…
this would be kinda cool. As it is I only watch it for the booze myths and the attractive redhead.

Just to reiterate
Pics or it didn't happen.

I still like Exile in Guyville better, but whitechocolatespaceegg holds up pretty well. Especially considering I first got the latter when I was ten.

I'm waiting for it to just become "The GLEE Variety Hour! Featuring a Different Celebrity's Music Every Week!" The only change they'd have to make is to just have Sue and Mr. Schu always wearing top hats.

Palin's popular with the "base," but she can't win a general election. Look at 2008- McCain was tied with Obama, or at least within spitting distance before he picked Palin.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who gets their Johnston knowledge from D-List.

…actually, the half-Japanese girl plays the cello. The redhead just gossips about her.

Between Aubrey "Drake" Graham and Stacy Farber…
Degrassi TNG is the new hotbed of young Canadian talent.

I thought some of the female characters were interesting to some degree, at least in the early seasons, but Ellie and Liberty were about the only ones who were well-acted at all.

I second covering the original Degrassi Jr. High. It doesn't have the snark or cynicism of Daria or My So-Called Life, but it was a satisfying teen series.

Makeover shows
I don't really have a problem with makeover shows in general. A lot of times changing what these people wear or giving them a good haircut does effect their self-esteem for the better.

"He's pining for the fjords." Really? That has no place in this conversation.

Being a woman sucks
First you have to get your period. Then you get movies like this marketed to you.

My parents' next door neighbors are JW, but they're not crazy. I used to babysit for them when I was a teenager and they're pretty much nice to everyone. I guess this isn't a typical experience.

No Christina Hendricks
But obviously a good actress. Hey, a woman who doesn't turn me into a slobbering bag o' slop is talented! Imagine that!

I'm too young to know most of these movies
But I read MYOF because I love Nathan Rabin.