
Stop shouting, you're gonna break something!

Ms Claudette also stabbed someone to death who had abused one of "her"girls. I hear US law sometimes frowns on that.

I think this is her first time. If she were a repeat offender she would probably be in a more secure facility.
Also "hence why" is not a thing, it's redundant. I keep seeing this on this website and it irks me. I expect more from AVClub people (including the reviewers)

So it's called The Daily Show but it's only on four nights a week, 35 weeks a year. You now have two very good hosts. Surely more Daily Show can now be a thing. Jon Oliver can have the shabbath, I mean Friday and fill in some of the weeks that they are normally off.
Days feel empty with no Daily Show to look forward

Jessica Williams: Funny, Ballsy & Gorgeous. I'm expecting Carrell-like stardom for her. Hollywood, make it happen!

The President of the Navy!

Except his rape victim, most likely.

Sarah Vowel, and that was a wonderful joke she made. Did not see that coming, awesome.

Many times watching Scrubs I would find myself being astounded by Donald Faison's range as an actor and then get almost angry at his other talents (comic timing, dancing etc.) all the while thinking: This guy is gonna be MEGA after Scrubs.And that is why I don't bet for money anymore.
In short: Dude's phenomenal. That

I'm catching up with White Collar on, let's say..Netflix, and I'm surprised how that show is still going strong in season three whereas Suits just gets crapper and crapper.

Dear Sonia Soraiya. Please keep watching Hawaii Five-0, a show that does very much everything you apparently want a TV-show to be. This show is clearly not for you. You have made that perfectly clear in all five of your rants (reviews?)
However, if you do want to write reviews for this show, please go back to the

The reviewer seems to be another one of those who fails to accept that a show does not do what she wants it to do. She wants characters to do X but they do Y and rather than judge that on its merit, it's aut5omatically a bad grade. A longwinded way to describe Frustrated Screenwriter Syndrome.

You mean Zoolander, the screenplay (first draft)?

in Brazil, which is where we definitely are

I never recognize Badger until he starts speaking in that weird weird voice.

Will have to go back to the show to check but I still think it's big ball of dirt, not Earth.

The defibrilator to the head was Blake-Clone-27 imitating Steve Agee on the landline.
Steve had also shot Blake-Clone-26 for finding out about the other clones, so he was packing. The gun didn't come out of nowhere. This is a clever show.
Also loved how they kept the camera on Key after he said: This is probably the

I like that not everything has to be wrapped up in one episode. Ray Donovan is four episiodes in and still wants to build it's plot & extraneous characters. They don't have to check in every week  with each character that has been introduced. It trusts the viewers to keep track and I wholly approve. I look forward to

Fuck you Mike. You hitched your wagon to Team Litt and there is a lot you can learn from that man. Grow some balls and tell Harvey to go fuck himself.

A bit harsh but not wrong. More Neko = always better. More power pop = always better. It follows that more Neko power pop is most bestest, case in point: the delerious perfection that is Letter from an Occupant.
Also, check out Neko's newling on the Utubes, it's called Man and is the hardest and weirdest thing she's