
I want my 4 minutes back.
Who is the twit that wrote this utter waste of time?  
How is this for a revelation:
Community, cooperation, love and selflessness are worthy pursuits ultimately because the are in our own self-interest.
Selfishness, greed and hatred are inherently bad because they are ultimately not in our best

I want my 4 minutes back.
Who is the twit that wrote this utter waste of time?  
How is this for a revelation:
Community, cooperation, love and selflessness are worthy pursuits ultimately because the are in our own self-interest.
Selfishness, greed and hatred are inherently bad because they are ultimately not in our best

What a bold and daring journalist
I know, I'll take a huge chance and mock religious nuts! Oooooooh, won't that make me an outrageous maverick!

It's called cognitive dissonance, Matt
Icould spend the rest of the day criticiaing this over-rated piece of crap and offering advice to him on how he might correct his dillusions about how the world revolves around his dick, but i won't.