Violent Breakfast


Is This Wrong of Me?
Based on that photograph of Delgo….

I Agree Chief.

Chief Brody.
We should've gotten that bigger boat.
Sincerely, Ghost of Robert Shaw.

I Love This Show. I Question This Show. I Hate This Show. I Still Watch this Show
Evolution of an AV Club hater, lover, whoever.

Here's something Beautiful that I found.
I just read all these posts and comments. They made me depressed.
Holy Grail makes me laugh. And that is a good thing.
2001: A Space Odyssey makes me use my imagination. Again, a good thing I think.

Damon Lindelhoff and and Carlton Cuse conversation…
Damon: "Hey Carlton…They say Lost is confusing!"
Carlton: "Confusing! Whatever do you mean?"
Damon: "Well they say that it's hard to follow!"
Carlton: "Well then, I know precisely what we should do, to make it less confusing. ……..
We should Introduce Time Travel!!!!!!

I'm Robert Shaw