
FWIW their video for "Hey Jane" from 2012 focused on a trans woman (played by RPDR's Tyra Sanchez!). But yeah, "Soul on Fire" was from the album before that so IDK.

Pardon if this was discussed earlier in the thread but have Tovey's comments to the Guardian about being glad he's not an effeminate gay been discussed yet? I already can't stand him or his character on this show, but now he's just 10 times more unappealing…

Been binge watching the first season of Young Justice on Netflix and am really enjoying it. Really wish the second season was on there too, but probably gonna line up Justice League instead.

I was pissed that she wasn't in the finale but it makes sense not to introduce her without any plans to make her a major part of next season, which she can't be unless they make something up. I'm still holding out for an eventual reveal but this kind of confirms that it's a no.

As a book reader mostly okay with showrunners excising some of the Ironborn stuff from FFC, that scene last night with Asha/Yara was really, exceptionally bad. There are just some characters in this series that they have no idea what to do with (looking at you, Bran and co.).

"Do not beat yourself up or feel bad because Courtney, your competitor, told you that your look is not polished. Because Courtney don't wear no fuckin' makeup and she's a drag queen."

Sad to see Milk go, especially on a challenge she did reasonably well on. I'm so over Laganja and Darienne, and I'm getting there with Courtney, too. Part of me still really loves Trinity for turning out the best lipsyncs this season has seen so far, but she desperately needs to stop throwing out excuses. As has been

As someone who's been in a gay relationship for nearly three years now, this was a ridiculously beautiful, honest portrayal that hit so many right notes. I was totally stunned by the time that last scene came on (which also gave me a huuuuge stupid grin).

Why is Daniel so incredibly impressionable, though? Those Graysons really know how to fuck up their children, I guess. Loved the twists in this episode, definitely felt like a return to form.

I hope Emily goes back to revenge-ing everyone else now that she doesn't have to deal with Daniel being around. Also, Charlotte is basically Marissa Cooper now. Can't wait for the overdose!

Since Charlotte was on drugs when she and Declan found the body, doesn't that mean she won't be able to testify very well in the case that's supposed to happen? Totally disappointed they didn't kill Daniel, but I guess it is ABC after all. I have a feeling Amanda killed Tyler, though - her heart to heart with Jack