
I know I'm not going to, but I really want to get 120 more upvotes in the next two minutes to break that 15k mark.

I know I'm not going to, but I really want to get 120 more upvotes in the next two minutes to break that 15k mark.

Every time it takes a few seconds for a new comment to post, I have a tiny panic attack.

If this is the end, there is no one I'd rather spend it with than you people.

But the first couple episodes without him are pretty solid.

I sometimes pretend to have seen things I never watched so that people won't hassle me about having to see them!


I'm getting literally no work done today.


I feel like the longer it takes you to masturbate, the more likely you are to waste money on something like that.

I went to see Zootopia alone on a weekday and cried in the theater.

You honestly had me for half a second.

Y'know, looking at the comments going right now, just a giant flurry with little discussion…maybe we can pull this Kinja thing off!

Just because you weren't embarrassed doesn't mean it wasn't embarrassing.

I thought we were posting controversial opinions?

Wow, job well done.

So I'm curious, did you type the sentence once, copy it, and then paste it over and over again? Or did you go for more of an exponential growth where you copied, pasted, copied the two sentences, pasted, copied the four sentences, etc?

I once read an article on the Mary Tyler Moore show here

I think we're just being fucked with at this point.

…I feel like this is what it would feel like if that eclipse just never happened on Monday.