
Yup, that sounds about right.

Well, I guess it's closing time.

Yeah, I add them to avoid seeming really stiff in my text messages. Otherwise I tend to come across as bored or angry…which is odd because I never across as either of those things in real life.

What if we all just agree to never refresh this page for the rest of time?

The biggest issue is a lack of nested comments, which makes discussions really difficult.

The Tolerability Index. I haven't been on it much lately, but apparently a bunch of AVClubbers are there.

Well, this seems as good a place as any for my Kinjapocalypse post…might as well get it in before Trump starts a civil war or something.

"…checks out"

It's jar sized. It's the clubs that are tiny!

…why was someone talking about Kirsten Dunst on the Daily Mail today…?

Dude I was just responding to a strawman with a strawman

Mine is just through the AV Club, sadly.

I stand by my belief that it wasn't just water, it was holy water. They weren't aliens, they were demons.

But then this won't be his last comment!

I have faith Minimum Maus can.

I'm very close to breaking 15000 upvotes before they all disappear into the ether forever.

It's not an accomplishment but a secret shame…I've reached a point where I honestly wait for the JohnOliverWatch posts.

But that just means more below average people! We need a better average!

Blind people are fine. Even great.

Repeatedly saying "I'm a feminist, that's why I'm around women all the time, I'm not cheating on you" is pretty damn close to gaslighting.