
I know it was a typo, but the idea of turtles making great spouses is funny.

When the "disease" is "I'm surrounded by beautiful women I can't touch even though they want me to", I take it a bit less genuinely. His "disease" wasn't "I can't help myself".

It isn't the cheating. It's the gaslighting and the "needy women were throwing themselves at me, what was I supposed to do?" attitude.

Yeah, I was number 2 going into college. Luckily I talked to intelligent people and paid attention to shit and actually grew out of that bullshit.

Does MANIMAL have another account?

I'm going to give him a bit of time. If he comes forward and genuinely apologizes for his actions, then that'll be one thing. Everyone is a hypocrite sometimes (by the way, the issue isn't his adultery, it's the gaslighting and the "well they were throwing themselves at me and how am I supposed to help myself"

In fairness, I went to a poor high school but a wealthy college. But the massive anti union stance from working class America shows that they're totally willing to spite themselves because they might end up rich some day so…that makes sense.

It kind of reminded me of this segment on local radio stations around here. They do this "second date update", where a person calls in and says something to the effect of "hey, we had a great date and I don't know why they aren't calling me back"…and then they call the person and ask why. It's trashy and dumb but a

Fair, but I think the place they're coming form is different.

I don't think they actively say "fuck you" to those groups. I mean, individuals do, but ideologically they don't. It's just that we already exist in a flawed system where women and minorities are financially disadvantaged and any attempt to fix it is "big government".

I think it was more politically expedient to be opposed to it. Sad, but a harsh reality of politics.

Well, I've never met a poor libertarian, so what's the difference?

I'm not either. I try to be, but I fail. I'm not perfect on race, either. If you don't fail to live up to your standards, you aren't setting them high enough.


I'll take libertarians over conservatives, I'll give you that. At least they are (in theory) in favor of some social reform. Just not the fiscal stuff to back it up.

I think at the time he was coming up, he deserved to be idolized. Seriously, I do. He was a man doing something no other guy in the industry was really doing. He was actually exceptional, and he paved the way for a lot of stuff.

Ah, the party of "fuck poor people"

I'd rather be a flawed liberal who fails to live up to ideals than a conservative whose ideals amount to "fuck poor people/anyone not white and straight and christian"

Can we acknowledge that he might exist in a middle ground? That he simultaneously believes in feminist ideals but doesn't live up to them? People aren't saints, and if you're not a hypocrite on some level, you probably aren't aiming high enough from a moral standpoint.

Fair point. I take every statement after a bad break up with a grain of salt. But if it's true, it's insanely shitty.