Bill Haverchuck


season 1 is CRAZY out of order, though - part of the reason most people hated frankenhole when it first started airing was because they aired the last episode first (just like moral orel) so there was no familiarity with any of these characters we were supposed to know so well by that point in the series (also, the

yeah, they completely removed some of my favorite characters from the series (the two elderly children were always hilarious & lawrence was a perfect sad-sack) & replaced them with… fucking blanket jackson??!?

yeah, while i'm looking forward to the special, i'm a little worried that [as] is going to make dino avoid anything too dark or emotional for it - they DID cancel the show before they even aired season 3 because they hated that sort of thing, after all.

actually, they're just the 3 season 3 video commentaries that dino did for the adult swim website back in 2008. still, they're pretty cool to have.

true, wererabbit's take was a bit of a disappointment in the US ($56 million), but its worldwide total was $192 million - surely, more than enough to ease the pain of not being a box office blockbuster over here (especially when the production budget was a mere $30 million).

@avclub-f1b3192eb719b96fd0f4ae89e0c97476:disqus  - in this instance, is "all the time" referring to late 2009 / early 2010?

my first one is from MST3K: The Movie from the time my parents drove me an hour & a half to the only theater showing it in my state the week it was released. i've got a book full of movie & concert ticket stubs from the past 15 years, though i rarely go to either anymore… suck it, way too expensive entertainment!

wow, seriously? what a waste! i'm surprised they don't just ship a bunch of those over to amazon to, you know, make money off of them… no marketing necessary, just put them up for sale…

shout factory has taken over releasing a lot of early 90's nick stuff, so i wouldn't be surprised if we see something from them in the next year…

yep, that. we didn't get ours signed, though…

i think the scalpers really over-estimated the amount of money that people were willing to pay for tickets - the day before the show there were dozens of tickets going for below face value on stubhub (i got ours for $10 each). it was actually the least-crowded sold-out show i've ever been to (which isn't to say it was

hell yes! we scalped the fuck outta that scalper!

i recently re-watched corpse bride for the first time since being disappointed by it in the theater… and it still eats. it's most definitely gorgeous to look at, but the characters & songs are all completely forgettable.

Maybe we could have dinner! Perhaps the Olive Garden? It's like eating in the private kitchen of a DELIGHTFUL Italian stereotype!

Clone High was great! I really like Cougar Town, too. Hooray!

wow, you're missing out on some really fun / interesting stuff by skipping out on their pre-"satanic panic" records. granted, it's not all golden nuggets of lo-fi psych pop, but "gay parade", "coquelicot" & "aldhil's arboretum" are the shit.

i've had this album for a while now (thanks, the internet!)  but i haven't quite formed a solid opinion about it. it's incredibly ambitious & dense & i'm glad that that the faux-funk that was all over his last 3 records is kept to a minimum here (it was fine - inspired, even - on "hissing fauna" & "skeletal lamping",

how about the worst? robert evans had a lousy vanity project called "kid notorious" on after south park for a season in 2003 or 2004… holy moley, what a terrible idea!

another instant sell-out! once again, i am without tickets! those scalp-o-trons are wondrous machines, aren't they?