"seconding" a registered user pre-sale. i'd love if we could just give you folks at the AV club our money instead of ticketmaster…
"seconding" a registered user pre-sale. i'd love if we could just give you folks at the AV club our money instead of ticketmaster…
i can imagine all the ticket scalpers rubbing their hands together greedily as news of this spreads over the internet…
yes, please!
the only one i think is worthwhile is sam & max: season 3. i've pretty much regretted every other telltale games purchase to varying degrees…
He's THAT good at fucking?
oh god, yes. every few years i try to play through it again & remember how much i hate it within the first hour.
I've never been able to get through Fate of Atlantis because I can't stand the shitty fighting sequences they shoehorned into the game. I'm certain my pickiness is causing me to miss out on a fantastic adventure, but every time I try to do a play-through & encounter a fight I say "fuck it" & close the game.
true, the newer graphics aren't as fun or imaginative as the old-school ones, but you can't keep the updated audio feature if you revert (unless, of course, they fixed it since i played though it a few years ago), which was the main reason i bought the reissue in the first place. MI2 has the "revert to VGA with…
Wow! I love adventure games!
SO! Did any of you get tickets or did we all get shut-out?
1 for "got shut out".
"instantly" is an understatement - 9 times out of 10 i'm able to buy tickets to shows at work by being on a few minutes early & refreshing until tickets pop up. they popped up about a minute early but were already sold out by the time i entered the security code… jesus, what a fucking tease!
uhh… i went to buy tickets at noon (was on the site a few minutes early & refreshed a few times until the option to purchase came up) & it's telling me there are no tickets available. this couldn't have sold out in less than one minute, right?
it's a shame it will probably never be popular enough to be released on blu-ray. i ended up just bittorrenting the hi-def rips, but i'll definitely buy the DVD if [as] ever releases it…
plus it looks fucking gorgeous.
as much as i rooted for frankenhole, i think they only got about 1/3 of the episodes in the first season right. it sounds like dino learned from those mistakes & the second season will be all about the family & monsters. i'm a bit miffed they got rid of frankenstein's hilarious "elderly children", but i'm definitely…
i started watching because of the constant references on community & was surprised to discover how much i actually liked it.
seriously, they've ordered a full season's worth of BB episodes & it's not coming back until MARCH?? i'm thinking they're planning on renewing it again & using some of this season's leftovers for the 2012 - 13 season.
yeah, uh… what? newsradio ain't garbage, pal.
you know, as i was typing my previous reply i thought that it would make a good AV club gimmick poster, too. but that person has to actually watch the entire run of FOP NOT ONLY ONCE but probably at least one more time to know their shit.
the main thing i remember about father of the pride is that a group of furries on an animation board i used to read FUCKING LOVED IT. they would hijack thread after thread telling people that FOP was infinitely better than whatever cartoon was being discussed (most often it was an excuse to compare characters on the…