except it took P&R 5 episodes to get there, while it took American Dad 2 or 3 seasons.
except it took P&R 5 episodes to get there, while it took American Dad 2 or 3 seasons.
I'd like to see an entry on what is arguably the darkest Christmas episode of any TV seires, Moral Orel's "The Best Christmas Ever!" (covering the second, sweeter Christmas episode "Honor" would be great, too).
agreed - i was expecting to see at least ONE of ray's songs griping about touring on here. he's written so damn many.
dino was also involvement with AV club favorites mr. show, conan o'brien, the dana carvey show, tv funhouse, etc. etc. the guy has a killer resume. plus, "abed's uncontrollable christmas" has dino's fingerprints all over it.
from what i've heard frankenhole's second season is a great improvement over the first. and, hey, they're making another moral orel episode or two because the re-runs are apparently getting really good ratings for 1:15 AM!
i love most of Frisky Dingo's run, but i don't think i've ever seen a TV show fly off the rails faster than the last few episodes of FD's second season. it's like the creators threw up their hands & said "fuck it" because they didn't know how to end the damn thing.
oh yeah, i made up some stuff i didn't like about the trailer, too.
i am proud to say there is apparently something wrong with my head.
i did not enjoy scott pilgrim but continue to love spaced, shaun of the dead & hot fuzz.
i couldn't stop thinking about how shamelessly i was being pandered to for the duration of the film. or how the script seemed to be written by someone who was extremely pleased by how clever they thought they were. or how i wanted to punch every character in the fucking face.
"Dude, ALL celebrities are completely hairless! They put the eyebrows on during editing to make sure the actors make the right facial expressions."
"clone high" was awesome & "cloudy with a chance of meatballs" was much better than it had any right to be.
i usually avoid sandler's movies because they're bad in a
way that isn't that much fun to watch, but every ad i've seen for jack &
jill is wall-to-wall with jaw-droppingly terrible, poorly-conceived ideas. that
means i will probably download a bootleg & watch it drunk.
Season 6 has a pretty strong concentration of awful episodes. But if I had to choose, Mafia or Koi Pond or The Banker, I guess.
that pairing makes perfect sense to me, as i always thought robot chicken was for people who were too impatient to sit through family guy's "plots" to get to the lazy, random pop culture gags.
i can't wait for karl to say something mildly unintelligent & hear ricky laugh uproariously & act like it's the most idiotic thing he's ever heard. repeatedly. for 3 & a half hours.
Bees are on the what now?
i'm kind of interested in seeing this, but that second H&K movie was just so fucking awful i'm having a hard time convincing myself it's worth spending 3-D ticket price money on it…
agreed. i love how disgusting alex robinson draws himself in his occasional auto-bio comics.
I think there's a decent amount of people who enjoy both shows almost equally - I'm one of them & I know a few others in REAL LIFE - it's just that the COMMUNITY VS. PARKS & REC people are much more vocal than us.