Landry, no!!!!!
Landry, no!!!!!
I feel like Dowd's criticism is kind of desperate, sometimes. First, Super 8 was "cynical", and now Django Unchained trivializes slavery.
Yeah, there was nothing trivial about slavery in Django Unchained. Total misread.
I just need the horribly-disfigured-by-toxic-waste-bad-guy-who-got-splattered-across-a-windshield to hold me and tell me it's going to be okay (or, on second thought, not).
Yeah, Forest Whitaker was in Battlefield Earth. He wins by default.
Kill it with FIRE.
And yeah, that's pretty bad. Discovery and the History channel are just embarrassing.
Maybe if baseball weren't so insufferably boring more people would watch it. But then football is also pretty boring for the most part. Considering the time wasted between pitches/innings and the time wasted between plays, I don't get why anyone would watch either.
No, the Roomba was DIRTY.
Good news, everyone!
We all did, @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus …. we all did.
I will wait for you…..
That montage had Up written all over it.
*uncontrollable sobbing*
NO! … Badger
@avclub-92a4841c9f86965effbc29fa6eae9f77:disqus So he also has taste, then.
Percy Bysshe Shelley, BITCH!
I knew Jed Bartlet. Jed Bartlet is a friend of mine. You are no Jed Bartlet.
And after his father played Jed Bartlett. Fuck that.