His Noodly Appendage



Awww, Pigley.

"Nana Visitor seems to relish the chance to enjoy herself, and she goes
to it with gusto, flirting with Odo, throttling Quark, and basically
proving that, if she ever really wanted to, she could make one hell of a

So, where's the steak?

See, I thought Kira's naked grief at the Kai's death made a lot of sense. The Kai meant a lot to Kira, even if she never really knew her, because of the role the clergy played during the occupation. But there was more that—we learn in The Emissary that Kai Opaka was an *especially* important figure in Bajoran society,

This was a really great episode.

I'm pretty sure future-Mosby said she wasn't the mother way back when.

I wouldn't say "Captive Pursuit" is without consequence. Someone has to replace the door to the brig that got blown the fuck up. Can't be an easy job, is all I'm saying.

The thing is you're right that information could leak out. But this isn't just any kind of leak. Compromising the confidentiality of a grand jury is a pretty serious crime. If it ever got back to Wendy Scott Carr, she'd be finished. Unless I'm mistaken about how it works for Illinois, and I very well could be.

Edit: "Does Sally Field do anything besides a second-rate Amy Sedaris impersonation?"

I feel like Eli is already emotionally mega-slapping (a la Marshall) everyone he talks to.

To me it's that Peter has done some truly atrocious things, and he is generally a big old asshole. But it's also that he is a very smart and competent asshole, and ultimately he seems like he's sort of a good person—or his heart is in the right place. But that's also very ambiguous, so you can't not love it.

Ok, fine, now it makes sense why you were in that lynch mob. Goddammit why are you so persuasive?!

The Kalinda thing was awash—the evidence was illegally obtained as it was.

I don't know if this is addressed in later episodes directly, but…


I've always thought that they were a bitter divorce waiting to happen. 

Hey strangers! This is my first time commenting on the Star Trek reviews, though I've been reading them for a while now. I decided to register for DS9. I was going to say a lot about these two episodes, but it looks like Zack covered most of it. So I'll keep it short.

This is actually my first time commenting—I registered for the ST:DS9 reviews.